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Seasonal Activities - September

Articulation Carryover Activities for September


Welcome back to school! Your children will be working on improving their articulation of various speech sounds. It is imperative that they practice at home. The more that they practice, the faster the correct production of their target sounds will be integrated into their conversational speech. Several suggestions for practicing these sounds will be included each month.


September Activities: 1) September is a time for returning to school. Have your child think about what he/she needs to carry in his/her backpack. Listen for their correct sound(s). 2) Have your child talk about the school bus rules. Once again, listen for their target sounds. 3) Have your child review his/her classroom schedule for the day. Ask them to describe what they did in their "special" for the day. 4) Johnny (Appleseed) Chapman was born this month. Have your child tell the story of Johhny Appleseed. 5) Have your child brainstorm about activities for an "Apple Party". 6) Have your chld think about places they would like to go on a school field trip. 7) A new school year means meeting new people. Have your child talk about the children in his/her classroom. 8) Grandparents' Day is in September. Have your child describe his/her best visit with their grandparents. 9) Have your child describe how the weather changes in the fall. 10) Help your child brainstorm about different words associated with autumn. 11) Many trees lose thei rleaves in the fall. Help your child talk about different types of trees. 12)Football season is beginning. Have your child explain why wearing a helmet is important. 13)Have your child describe how the game of football is played.


Take every and any opportunity to reinforce your child's correct production of their target

sound at home. Feel free to share some ideas that have worked for you. I will be thrilled to share them with other families.