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Seasonal Activities - February


Speech and Language Activities for February

Here are some ideas for carrying over your child's skills at home. If your child is working on improving their articulation skills, make sure to remind them to focus on their speech sounds when answering the questions mentioned below. If your child is working on their fluency, remind them to utilize the strategies that they have learned in speech class if they have a "bump" in their speech. As always, your child will go into the raffle 2 extra times for completing an activity. Please be sure to send in a note stating that they have practiced at home or print the on-line activity and sign it.


Valentine's Day Ideas: (1) Every year, children exchange Valentine cards. Ask your child to talk about Valentine's Day. Why do people give each other cards on this day? (2) Cupic makes people fall in love by using magic arrows. Have your child tell you about all the things he/she loves. (3) February is a time for love and sharing. Have your child talk about times she/he has shared with friends or family. (4) Sometimes people call each other nicknames like "sweetheart". Have your child name as many different nicknames as he/she can. (5) In February, sweethearts often exchange chocolate candy. Have your child tell about sweet treats he/she likes to eat.


President's Day Ideas: (1) Ask your child to name the president and describe his job. (2) Ask your child if he/she would want to be president. Have him/her explain why or why not. (3) Ask your child how George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were alike. How were they different? (4) Help your child imagine being president for the day. What would he/she like to do?


Black History Month Ideas: (1) Dr. Carter G. Woodson is considered the "Father of Black History Month." Have your child explain why it is important to learn about Black History. (2) In February of 1970, the 15th Amendment was passed. It granted voting rights to all Americans. Have your child explain what it means to vote. (3) W.E.B. Dubois was a famous black author and teacher. Have your child brainstorm for possible book titles promoting Black History Month. (4) Everyone in the U.S. has certain basic freedoms. There are called Civil Rights. Have your child explain what a right is and why it is important.


Miscellaneous Ideas:  (1) A groundhog looks for his shadow on February 2nd. Walk outside with your child and have him/her name items with a shadow. (2) Have your child tell how a groundhog and a squirrel are alike. How are they different? (3) February is Dental Health month. Have your child describe how he/she cares for his/her teeth.