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Mr. Eric Potts » Dolphin Fitness Club

Dolphin Fitness Club

The Dolphin Fitness Club 2021-2022 School Year

Officially starts September 13th 2021, and will conclude the end of May 2022.



What is it?

Dolphin Fitness Club (aka the Mileage Club)is a school wide community based free club designed to get our students active and moving.  Any and every student can be a part of our club by simply jotting down the types of activities they are doing, along with the duration, and bringing that in for credit.  The club is designed to reward healthy active choices, as we encourage students to be aware of their decisions, and make positive active choices. 


We will accept any aerobic activity as credit towards the club that is done outside of school time.  The idea is to get students moving, they can walk, run, bike, swim, dance, cheerleading, soccer, gymnastics, active playing, etc...  Any type of activity that elevates your heart rate, and keeps you moving counts towards our mileage club.


For every 30 minutes of activity a student completes is credit for 1 mile.  Every 20 miles completed can be turned in for a “token”.  Students are encouraged to proudly display their tokens as they are a national symbol of health and fitness.  Along with the tokens when students reach a certain plateau/milestones (listed below) they will be rewarded with different forms of recognition, such as having their name proudly displayed on the gym wall with their accomplishment. 


How it works?

For every 20 miles a student moves (10 hours of activity) they can turn in a tracking sheet and receive a “Token”.  Students can proudly display their tokens on their shoe laces, on a necklace, their book bag, etc.  Tokens are a positive sign/symbol of health and fitness, and the more you can accumulate the better.  Beside for the Token prizes there will be Club Milestones for the students to strive for.  


            *beginning School Year 2018

            Every 20 miles earns a "Token"

            Every 100 miles earns you a "Special Token"

            200 total miles earns your name on the Dolphin Fitness club wall

            200 total miles earns your name and picture in the yearbook

            400 total miles earns your picture on the mileage club wall

            700 total miles earns your profile (write up about you) on the club wall

            1,000 total miles enters you into the club Hall-of-Fame 

Hall-of-Fame will be a yearly poster displaying your name, picture, year and accomplishment    


How to join?

To join our club you must simply move your body.  For students to receive credit, they must present a written tracking sheet with the amount of time they were moving outside of school.  The tracking sheet  must be specific with the date of when they were active, for how long they were active (in 30 minute increments), and the type of activity.  The tracking sheet must be signed by a parent or guardian.  The exercising is to be done on non school time.  The tracking sheet must then be handed in at the students P.E. class.  They will not be accepted at any other time.  At that point they are a part of our club and continued membership is based on them continuing to hand in a tracking sheets.  


What is the tracking sheet? 

The tracking sheet is a hand written or typed note that states the students name, their classroom teachers name, the specific dates the student did the activity, the type of activity, and for how long.  The parent must sign the sheet, and the sheet must be handed in from the student at Phys. Ed. Class.


*Tracking sheets must be handed in with activities that are no later then 1 month old.  Meaning if you perform activities the first week of October they must be handed in on or before the first week of November for credit. 



Tokens can be taken away if misused, and will not be replaced if misplaced or lost.


Let’s make it happen, and join together for a more active and healthier community!