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Defino Central Elementary School Home of the Dolphins!

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Welcome to the LaSal team!



Team LaSal's Teacher Page
A message from your teachers: 

Welcome to 5th grade. We are looking forward to a fabulous school year. Communication is very important to us for a successful classroom.   Please feel free to contact us by phone, note, or email. Our email addresses are [email protected]; [email protected]


  Biography: 486


Hello!  Welcome to our 5th grade class.  My name is Mrs. Llano. This is my 21st year at Frank Defino Central Elementary School.  I am fortunate to be co-teaching with Mrs. Saldutti.  This will be our eighteenth year teaching together. Mrs. Saldutti and I will be teaching ELA together this year.  I will also be teaching another block of ELA.  


Hello! My name is Mrs. Saldutti. I am currently dual certified in elementary education and special education. This is my 18th year at Frank Defino Central Elementary School. I will be co-teaching math with Mr. Hatter this year. 


Welcome to Team LaSal!!