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Making Connections to Math at Home

Between 2 Numbers - Comparing two values using prompts that will get kids thinking
Clothesline Math - All you need is a little bit of string, some paper, and a pen. The rest is all conversational
Counting Circles - A way to have quick and meaningful math-based conversations
Daily Desmos - How do you create that graph? Check out the challenges and try them for yourself
Estimation 180 - Put those estimation skills to the test with over 240 prompts
Fraction Talks - Take a look at all of these examples
Graphing Stories - What should the graph look like? Take a peek here, and stay for the discussion
Math Arguments 180 - Plenty more than 180 prompts that incorporate math into the argument
Math Mistakes - Want mistakes? There is an unending supply of them in here
Math Riddles - Find one, try one, and get a good kick out of it
Math Talks - Some are simple, some are complex, but all are centered around talking about mathematics
Math Visuals - Oftentimes, the best way to understand a problem is to see it
Open Middle - What if I took the middle of the problem away and let you create something of your own?
Play With Your Math - Fun math challenges for learners of almost any age
Same or Different? - What's the same about these? What is different? Check it out in here
SolveMe Mobiles - Mobiles aren't just for cribs anymore; these ones are all here to help us with math
Talking Math With Kids - In general, talking math with your kids is going to help; here is a good place to start
Visual Patterns - Math helps us understand patterns, and this site has plenty of them
Which One Doesn’t Belong? - There are four objects in the group; which one of them doesn't belong?
Would You Rather? - Here are some options; which is the better one and, more importantly, why?
YouCubed - Hey, it's good to read the research behind what we're doing (and a whole lot more) 
*adapted from