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Mrs. Grogan's webpage!


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Who is an ESL student?

ESL students are students who have acquired another language before they were exposed to English. They differ in languages, cultural backgrounds, previous education, levels of English proficiency, exposure to English outside the school, and amount of time in the US.


What is the goal of the ESL program?

The goal of our program is to expose the student to essential academic, cultural, and social English in order to ensure success in the classroom as well as with their peers. We help the students to develop both communicative skills and academic language proficiency in English in order to achieve success in school.


How are the students identified for the ESL program?

All potential ESL students are given a standard test.  This is a nationwide test which is recognized by the NJ State Department of Education. Potential ESL students are identified by the language survey completed at registration. Teachers and parents may also recommend children for testing for this program.


What is the ESL program?

Our ESL program stresses listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and American Culture. We provide support in content areas such as science, social studies, reading, and mathematics.


What is the length of the ESL session?

The children in Kindergarten come to ESL 30 minutes daily. Older students vary from 30 to 40 minutes. Newcomers may also get additional ESL periods if the teacher deems it beneficial.


Can an ESL student also participate in other programs such as Gifted and Talented, Basic Skills Instruction, Band, or chorus?

Our ESL students are absolutely able to participate in all activities offered by the Marlboro Schools.


How does the ESL program benefit the parents?

Our ESL program and the ESL teachers offer their services as a liaison between the school, the classroom teacher, and the students. The ESL teachers readily answer parents' questions about homework, tests, projects, book reports, classroom parties and activities.


And remember...


you can contact me via email with the link on the RIGHT.